Get to know us

I'm Kim Macleod, founder of the Big Soul Network community and I want to create a kinder world. I love to bring people together who value (or are curious about) spirituality, positive psychology, personal development, joy, entrepreneurship and good business practices. Together we can share wisdom, encourage and support each other to create the life and business that your soul is calling for.

Our mission

At Big Soul Network we bring the "woo woo" and the business world together - to develop a soul led, heart centred way of doing business.

Creating meaningful connections and empowering friendships across a global online network with a big local heart. Together we can create a kinder world where we all rise.

Our vision

Imagine a global business network where kindness, positive energy, joy, friendship, collaboration and gratitude are its core values. A network that believes in magic, manifestation and meditation.

A space where you are encouraged and supported to tap into your potential to grow personally and spiritually and to share your gifts with the world.

A friendly community that wants to empower you to follow your heart and listen to your soul. To create sustainable wealth for everyone. This is the BIG SOUL NETWORK :-)

What we do

We host online and in person learning and networking events, kind connection groups, mini business retreat days and one to one mentoring.

You can expect discussions about universal energy, intuition, visualisation and soul journeys alongside sales, marketing and business plans. Business is an inside job, so we are opening up ways to share wisdom, go deep, connect with each other and raise our vibration.

Local hearts

Our online global network has in person communities at its heart. We aim to develop opportunities to empower network leaders to open in-person events in more locations .

If you love what we are about and want to help us grow please get in touch.

Our team

Our strength lies in combining our wisdom, talents, creative skills, spiritual connections, enthusiasm and vision. Sharing fun and laughter makes for a happier life.

Kim Macleod

Founder, chief bletherer and soul connector, happiness creator, teacher, speaker, author, tea drinker and lover of colourful clothes and shoes!

I love the mind body and soul connection. I love the teachers, the leaders and the wisdom sharers who help open our hearts and minds to new possibilities. You saved my life and helped me make sense of the death of my son Calum and for that I am forever grateful.

I have come out of the spiritual closet to share I talk with my son and other guides. I channel messages and tune in to the energy of the universe. I am full blown Woo Woo but am also a grounded and practical Scot with big feet planted on Mother Earth!

I'm here to help you wonderful people to connect deeply, reach further and rise together. I know the power of a strong network - my business friends have been a source of inspiration, wisdom, encouragement and new clients.

I'm combining my experiences of running two businesses, Happiness Clubs, conferences, speaking events and friendly business networks. Adding a dose of spirituality and a sprinkling of fun and laughter.

I love gathering people together. I love speaking on the stage and I love to see the magic that happens when people connect and share their wisdom. So this is where the idea for the Big Soul Network comes from - as well as a conversation with my son Calum and soul team of course.

Judith Te Huia

Soul Connector for Australia and New Zealand. Personal and Spiritual development teacher, healer, meditation facilitator, author and Soul journey guide.

I have been working with spirit for most of my life and that in itself has been a journey. My passion and work became helping others to connect to their Soul Journey and purpose.

I learnt how to manage my abilities from some wonderful mediums in the New Zealand spiritualist church, they guided and encouraged me when I wanted to give up, keeping it real and grounded. I was born clairvoyant not that I knew what that was, so growing up for me was challenging to say the least. While trying to fit in I began to understand I was learning about my own Soul Journey, what my lessons and contracts were, what I was here to do with the knowing and skills I possess. This journey has led me in many different directions, but I have always trusted that everything I was being guided to do was for a reason.

In my 50’s I went to university gaining a degree in nursing, specialising in mental health and mental health first aid. I knew this was something I needed to understand. I had firsthand experience of watching others struggle with mental illness and my desire to understand their predicament was to enhance my own ability to care for them.

That lead me on to a diploma in Transpersonal Counselling the closest I could get to (Spiritual Psychology), skills that have helped with my work.

Three years ago, my husband’s health condition became terminal. I had the privilege of caring for him but last year he passed away leaving a huge hole in my life. He was my rock, my soulmate. Slowly with the help of friends I am finding ways to move forward. Hully is not here physically but he is definitely helping in spirit.

As I said at the beginning, my passion has always been the Soul’s journey, so my work moving forward will be helping us to understanding how important love, support and friendship is in our spiritual and soul growth. Learning the value of our soul connections and working with spirit to help navigate life’s challenges and providing the tools to help achieve this.

Kirsten Macleod

Event co-ordinator and membership support

woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Could this be you?

If you love what we are doing and want to help us grow. You could be a local group organiser? Get in touch and lets talk.